< MaiKaMahi
Tonight was... interesting. Since this diary does not get x-rated, you do not get details, but I had fun.

It is almost 4am and I will be up all night because I slept all damn day again. Lovely. Then tomorrow when I should be doing laundry I will be sleeping. Adam just went to bed too, so he will be royally screwed when Monday comes around and he can barely get out of bed at 4:30 because he had been up til 3 a few nights before. Oh well.

My friend Tichelle is in Washington right now, and is going to come by and see me this week. I am stoked. I also get one of my orders from a passion party I went to a few weeks ago. That should make life a little more interesting. Again, this diary is strictly PG-13, so no details.

Today I cleaned. That's it, just cleaned. Sounds like fun eh? See how exciting my life is?

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