< MaiKaMahi
Well, Adam wrote that post, to my utter amazement, and we talked about it, but what we said is not going to be divulged here. Too personal.

Anyway, It snowed most of the day today!! When I woke up there was about 4 inches on the ground. It kept snowing lightly all day, and it warmed up enough that the snow on the streets melted, but the snow in the fields stayed. I just love how the world looks covered in a layer of white. Everything is so much more magical and beautiful.

Besides the snow there isn't much to write about. I was really homesick last night. I can't wait to sleep in my bed, in my apartment, and get online with my cable modem. I have also decided that I do not want kids. I am sure I will change my mind after I get back up to Washington and I start to miss the kids, but right now I have my fix, and I am in NO hurry to have kids of my own. I know that I am ready for kids, I simply don't want them.

Wow, that sounded kinda bad....

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Candy ass??
You just can't fool them



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