< MaiKaMahi
I just remembered the grossest thing.

One time I was at a bookstore and felt the sudden urge to pee, so I headed over to the bathroom. There was this girl walking ahead of me on the way to do the sam ething I was, so I just followed her in there. While I was in there making my bladder gladder I heard her peeing too, which really wasn't a big deal at the time. We were in a restroom after all. I got done first and went out to wash my hands, and while I was standing at the sink getting ready to turn on the water I saw her come out of the stall. I gave her a quick friendly smile, and when I was looking back down at the sink to turn the water on, I noticed her sleeve. Now, she was wearing a long sleeved shirt, and right on the end inside the bottom of the sleeve near her wrist was a wet spot. She just looked at herself in the mirror, straightened her hair, with that hand no less, and walked right out. No washing up or anything.

Moral of the story? Never forget to pull up your sleeves when you wipe....

Before & After

Relationship Mile Marker??
New clothes and grumpiness.



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