< MaiKaMahi
Today is Easter and I felt sick all through church, and all through Easter lunch with the future family. I am soooooo tired of being nauseous all the time. I just want it to go away, but I have no idea how to MAKE it go away. Damn this nausea to HELL! I got teased all day that I am pregnant. I better not be!!! I don't remember the last time I had my period, but Gretta swears I haven't missed one so I guess I will take her word for it, although the fact that *I* can't remember it does make me pretty nervous. I have never ever been this nauseous for this long. The fact that I was sick with that 24 hour flu bug last week does make me think it is just another virus. I HOPE! I am starting to get nervous. Very nervous. Ugh! The last thing I want is to have to move up my wedding because I don't want to have a child out of wedlock, and I don't want to be 8 months pregnant at my own wedding. I also don't want to get pregnant on accident. I want it to be planned when it does happen. Adam and I have been really careful. We used protection. PLEASE don't let us be one of the 15freakin% of people that make up the reason why condoms aren't 100% effective.....

Before & After

Still Sick
Not quite so, but STILL, sick



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