< MaiKaMahi
Adam is away on maneuvers until the 4th of April. I haven't started to miss him too much yet, but that is only because I spent last night (his first night away) puking, and I went to Billy's wrestling match with Gretta tonight. (Billy lost both of his matches, but he did really good on the second one, even though it was against a kid a grade higher and 5 lbs heavier than him.) I am going to try and write in here everyday that Adam is gone, so that when he gets back, he can read what was going on with me while he was away. :o)

I joined another MSN community, which should be super great fun. It is called Young Military Wives, and I have already met another girl that is engaged to a guy in the military. Actually, her fiancee is in boot camp for the National Guard, but that is close enough to being official military. :oP We talk every night in im when I get online, and she is a blast to talk to. Wedding plans are mostly the topic. LoL. I also posted some pics of me and Adam in the community, so that way I can show off how adorable he is!!

Before Adam left I talked to him about what we are going to do apartment and car wise after we get married. Let me tell ya, that kid has his head on straight! He already has things budgeted and planned out, and is looking into apartments and cars and everything. I wish the people that owed him money would pay him back, since he will be needing it for the expenses he has coming up, especially trying to get a car and put a deposit down for an apartment. He was there to help them out when they needed it, I just wish they would pay him back HIS OWN MONEY when he needs it......

Before & After

I HATE BEING SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally feeling better



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