< MaiKaMahi
Today I feel a little better. I had a talk with Adam last night, and of course he made me feel better. I also talked to my friend Teri, and she told me some things about a family that her husband (who is in Saudi with the Air Force right now) is working with the father of. This man has been in Saudi for 3 years working (emptying trash cans on base and other menial labor) to earn $150 a month oto send back to his family in Nepal. He will get to go back home to Nepal in another year, for 4 months, and then he has to go back to Saudi for another 2 years and work before he gets to go home again. Could you imagine having your father or husband gone for years and years at a time just so that he could make $150 a month and having just that to feed your entire family? This man is so grateful that he can provide for his family, and they consider themselves the richest people on their street because they get a whopping $150 a month that they can feed their family with. They see it as, as long as your can feed your family, what else do you need? I couldn't imagine living off of $150 a month, and actually being grateful that I had it. How selfish and unappreciative am I? And just the other day I was crying in the middle of the Wal-Mart because I am too fat! At least I have enough food to actually be fat. After Teri told me about them I felt horrible. She is putting together a care package for the family and sending all of the clothes that don't fit her daughters anymore and sending some other things that she doesn't need to them. I wish I had something to send out there to them, too.

So anyway, now I feel alot better about myself and my situation. On the 15th I am going out to Salt Lake to have a slumber party with some of my friends, which will be fun. My "other mother" Chen invited me and my friend Shasta and another guy that we know Elliot. I also have a friend planning to come out here and pick me up and take me to lunch or dinner and a movie. Then Adam will try and be here on his next 4 day weekend. So, I have nothing at all to complain about. I know I will still complain when I am feeling down, but I hope that I never get so lost in self pity that I can't appreciate what I have.

I had a conversation with someone last night who doesn't appreciate anything they have. It is really sad because they have a family that loves them, and a nice place to stay, and tons of people supporting them, but instead they just wish they had more and think they deserve more. I wanted to just tell them to appreciate what they have or else they may lose it all, but what place do I have to say that to anyone. I just really can't stand unappreciative people. I know I lapse into that myself, but when someone else does something for me, I at least thank them and I certainly don't expect or demand it.

OKay, I am done ranting. Hehe. So now I have to make a plan. One thing that I really want right now is a treadmill. I have a really hard time doing aerobics because all of the jumping around and such is hard on my back. Last time I did "Sweatin' To The Oldies" with Gretta, I was hurting for a few days afterward. I also have a hard time walking outside up here. It is really hilly and the snow and slush doesn't help matters. I know that if I had a treadmill I would actually stick with walking on it for alot longer than if I had to bundle up to go outside, get the bottom of my pants all gross and wet, and freeze my butt off to walk. My aunt had a treadmill when she lived with us in Phx, and I walked on that thing religiously until she put it outside and it got rained on and the belt split. Now I just have to find the money to buy one. Gretta said she would go in halves with me on one. That would work for me since we live in the same house, I don't have the money to get one all on my own, and when I do finally move then she can either just keep it, or I will buy her half from her when I go. I wish there was an easy quick way to make some money around here....

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