< MaiKaMahi
I'm going to sound like the biggest bitch in the entire world right now, but I really, really, REALLY hate when people are hanging on me. Adam is such a touchy, feely person and loves to hold my hand, touch me, and put his head on me and it drives me completely crazy. I can barely stand to have kids hanging on me and laying on me, I definately can't stand it when adults do it. I don't know if there is something fundamentally wrong with me, but I just don't like to be hung all over. Am I evil? Am I a total bitch? I am such a weirdo, I know. I just think that people have different preferences when it comes to how they want to act in a relationship, and me and Adam are complete opposites. Not that it is a huge deal, I just don't want to hurt his feelings by constantly telling him to get off of me. Of course, since I haven't had too much relationship experience in the past, and it has been so long since I was in a relationship, I am just now starting to even realize all of this. I was the same way with my other two boyfriends, but I didn't even like either of them, so I just kinda figured that was why I didn't want them to touch me. I just like being with someone to be normal, natural, and familiar, not for them to be begging for my attention all of the time, or visa versa. I don't ever get into that "can't keep our hands off each other" mode in a relationship. I just skip right to the "used to being around eachother" mode. I dunno. I think I am just babbling now. I am just one of those people who needs tons of space. I never thought of myself as someone like that. I actually always thought I was the clingy type that needed all kinds of attention. Come to find out I'm wrong, once again. Nothing new.....

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