< MaiKaMahi
I feel like throwing up right now. Gretta is in the other room watching Fear Factor, and one of the stunts is to bob for chicken feet. But, instead of putting the already completely nasty raw chicken feet in water, they are all floating around in a big vat of meal worms. Now, I watched the worm martini one (one guy even threw up the worms into his own mouth and swallow his own puke back down again), not a problem. Eating buffalo testicles, no sweat. Pig butt muscle eating, no biggie. For some reason this one really makes me nauseous, though. The gagging noises the people on the show are making doesn't make watching it any easier, either. UGH!! So I decided to come and write a diary entry instead of watching the rest.

Today was a pretty uneventful day. Gretta wasn't feeling good, and the kids she usually babysits for didn't come over because one of them is sick. Since Gretta had a tummy ache, I let her go take a nap while I watched the girls, and I cleaned up the house for her. The only problems I had were with Angela, the 4 year old. That girl has more attitude than I know what to do with. She does exactly what you tell her not to do, immediately after you tell her not to do it, and laughs at you when you tell her again. She loves to drag her baby sister around by the arms, making her scream and cry. Angela screams for no reason, and it isn't just a regular little girl scream. It is shrill make your ear drums explode screaming. Her favorite word is no. She refuses to do anything you ask her (or tell her) to do, and I have no idea how Gretta handles her. As bad as it is for me to say, since I don't want to be known as a child beater, she is pretty darn lucky she isn't my daughter and I can't spank her. I had to physically pull her off of her sister a few times today, and grab her arm once to stop her from throwing a toy blow dryer at me (she was mad at me for telling her to stop torturing her sister), and I felt horrible about even that. But, if she was mine she would have a permanently red behind until she learned some manners. I feel bad for Gretta. What can you do about a bratty 4 year old?? She is only 4 after all. She has no idea how bad her behavior actually is. Everything is a game to a 4 year old girl. Kinda makes me wish I was 4 years old again! Hehe.

Other than a bad day concerning the mini-teenager of the house, all I did all day was read magazines and clean. I went through about 5 months of Cosmo, and 6 months of Redbook, and even a few months of Jane. Since I am not married (Redbook) and I am not a whore (Jane), Cosmo is my fav. I have to say I was pretty shocked by the book club article though! They put portions of books in the mag for you to read and then tell you how you can order the book. I am by no means a "good girl". I have done drugs, I love sex and have it whenever I can (only with my bf of course, tsk tsk if you were thinking anything else!), and I even say an occasional cuss word. Seeing an excerpt from a very racy romance novel talking about sex in some very nasty detail, in a magazine that anyone can get from a grocery store, did shock me though. Of course, me being the pervert that I am, I went and read the book club articles in all of the Cosmo's I could find. Hehe. All were equally shocking and descriptive. All I can say is....um....WOW! It did make me really glad I am in the relationship I am in to read Cosmo, though. All of the sex related and love related articles were stuff like "Figure out how he feels about you by his touch" and "Be the one he tells everything to. 4 ways to loosen his lips". I don't need an article in a magazine to communicate with my boyfriend, or to try and figure out what he is thinking. If I have something on my mind...I tell him!! If I want to know how he feels about me...I ask him!!! (Most of the time I don't even have to ask because he already tells me all the time.) How sad to be in a relationship where you have no idea if the other person even wants to be with you....

Before & After

Superbowl Blah Blah Blah
Pain, Adam dreams, and WONDERFUL GRETTA



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