< MaiKaMahi
I finally Talked to Adam. I missed him so much that I can't even explain how I felt. So I won't! (He already knows, anyway.) Instead I will talk about the last few days here in scenic Weston. It has been snowing for the last day and a half. NON-STOP. We have had a few breaks where it wasn't quite so heavy, but it was still snowing steady. At this very moment, it is snowing so hard that the air just looks solid white and kinda like it is moving in one big gelatinous wave. We have gotten over 3 feet since it started, and that only counts the snow that actually stuck. It snowed for about 6 hours or so yesterday before it even started to stick here. Gretta and I just got back inside from playing in the snow. Us Arizona girls just can't resist a good snowball fight. Gretta was out there shoveling the walk and the driveway so that when it did finally stop snowing we wouldn't have over 4 feet of snow to shovel. I went outside with her and decided to try and walk through a snow drift. I ended up stuck and up to my crotch in snow! After I finally waded through and fell down a few times, I was determined to make a snow angel. Not such a good idea in 3 feet of newly fallen snow. I ended up making a huge hole that tried to resemble a snow angel, and I looked like a huge white popscicle. Gretta made one too, and although hers turned out better than mine, it still looked like a huge hole. After we were both sufficiently frozen we decided to have a snowball fight. I was even winning until I tried to turn around and fell flat on my face. Gretta took advantage. I got Gretta pretty good in the face and she had snow stuck in between her glasses and her eye. She got me in the eyeball and in the back of the head a few times. Her once blue hat was now white, and my once black jacket was kinda grey instead. We had SUPERGREATFUN. The kids decided to be big old wimps and stay inside. Angela fell once without gloves on and that was the end of her. Billy followed me into a snow drift, and when he was walking through, one of his boots decided to stay put leaving him in just a sock. Count him out after that. Ruby is just too small to be able to handle that much snow. So it ended up being just Gretta and I pelting eachother with snowballs. By the time Gretta and I decided to come back inside, we were FROZEN. She had snow down her front and her back, in her glasses, little spikes of snow in her hair, and her face and butt were completely frozen. I was so covered in snow that my black clothes looked white, there were mini snowballs hanging from my hair, one side of my neck was completely frozen, there were snowflakes stuck on my eyelashes, and my hair tie was frozen to my hair. We had a blast!!!

For lunch Gretta wanted to make soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, but when she went to turn on the stove to heat up the soup, we had NO PROPANE!!! Thank goodness the propane company decided to be nice and send someone out, even though it is snowing so hard. We didn't particularly want to stay the night at someone else's house just because we were dopey enough to fail to check our propane level. Before the propane guy showed up I decided to go back out so that even if the house got cold, it would be warm to me after being out in the snow. Billy and Angela came out with me, but after I threw snow in Billy's face (accidentally of course ~evil grin~), and Angela had to go potty, it was just lonesome me outside. So, me being the freak that I am, I decided to try and go down the hill beside the house and climb up the steep part of it in the snow. Actually I had walked down the side of the hill to the bottom of it, and by the time I got there I didn't want to trek all the way back, so I thought I could climb my way back up the middle of the hill, which even thought it is WAY STEEPER, it is a shorter route. Big Mistake. I went from the mid-thigh high snow I was in, to chest high snow and ended up leaned so far forward and buried in snow that I had to claw my way out. I felt like I was swimming in it. So back I went the way I came. Needless to say, I got my exercise for the day, AND we are going back out after the snowfall lets up again. (Yes, we are crazy, but we are also hyper!) I think Gretta wants to make me "Sweat to the Oldies" with her in the meantime! UGH!!! I am sorry but flailing my arms around like an idiot while a flamer in striped daisy duke's tells me how he is "PROUD OF ME!!" is not my idea of a good time. I would rather be buried chest high in snow....

Before & After

Still :o(
Bad news first.....



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