< MaiKaMahi
Can I call it or can I call it??? Did I not predict the Dbacks would win the World Series??? I was so excited to see them win, and in a way disappointed that I wasn't actually in Arizona when it happened, but that is the ONLY reason I have wanted to go back since I moved. I FINALLY got to Idaho on Halloween day, right before the Trunk or Treat at Gretta's ward. It took Marshall and me over a week to get from Phoenix to Weston. First we ended up waiting for two days in Phoenix just to get a load out that wasn't going to either Florida or New England somewhere. (Just in case I failed to mention it, Gretta is the friend I moved in with, Marshall is her husband, and he is a truck driver and my way up to Idaho.) When we finally left Phoenix we went to Las vegas so that we could pick up a load of Ocean Spray juice going to Denver. So a few days after that we deliver in Denver, and after we are all unloaded and ready to head out on our way to Wyoming to pick up another load, we get into an accident on the freeway!! It was completely not Marshall's fault, but since he was in the semi and she did not want to call the cops, he gave her money to fix the tiny bit of damage to her car and we went on our way. He is a sweet guy and felt bad for the lady. So after we get to Wyoming we pick up a load going to Salt Lake, and then finally on the early morning of Halloween we delivered and were on our way home. Marshall and I got along famously, although I will admit I was wicked nervous when this short, redneck guy in a crazy cowboy hat got out of this HUGE truck parked in front of my house and said, "Howdy" to me. I had never known a real live hick before! Very foreign to me, considering I grew up in Phoenix, which is quickly becoming Little Mexico. I got used to him easily, and even started to understand his southern drawl and trucker lingo.

As for other aspects of my forever changing life, I have quit smoking. I am only two days into it, but I dont crave it at all, so I know it will be easy enough. I smoked for 9 years and knew it was past time for me to quit. The hardest part won't be craving the nicotine or going through any kind of physical withdrawl. I haven't had one actual physical craving. The weirdest part is when I all of a sudden realize that I haven't thought about a cigarette all day. Everything that used to be routine in my life is no longer now though, so smoking is the least of the changes. One of the larger changes is that I went to church on sunday!!! I haven't been to church in a very long time, and it definately felt weird. Taking sacrement, singing the hyms, wearing a dress even!! It was all so strange, like I had never been to church before at all, but I knew what to do from watching it on TV or something.

One thing I will say about this area is that it is FULL of adorable guys. Logan is only about 25 miles south of where I am and it is a college town so there are TONS fo HOT college guys. Even though I see all of the college guys everywhere, I still think of Steven though. No one compares to Steven :o)

Well, it is late and Gretta is already in bed so I should be headed off too....

One more note before I go to bed though. All of the mouth pain I had before I came here for all of those months completely stopped the day after I left my house!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................

Before & After

Steven, Steven, and more Steven



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