< MaiKaMahi
I AM MOVING!! I just decided two days ago and I am leaving in about 2 or three days. I am going from big city to VERY VERY small town, but I am SO EXCITED. My friend Gretta is sending her husband out here to kidnap me and take me home with him. He drives a semi, so the ride to her house, all 16-20 hours of it, will be weird. I have never been in a semi before. I hope he lets me play on the radio or honk the horn or something. :o)

The biggest deal of this whole thing to me isnt even that I am just up and moving with no warning or plans. It isnt that i am moving with someone I have only known for less than a year. It isn't that I am moving 772 miles away. It is DEFINATELY that it snows there!!!!!!!! I am an Arizona girl, through and through. I have seen snow maybe twice in my life, and only touched it once!! I am going to be the girl that walks into the store lookin like I weigh 500 lbs, and when i start to take off all the layers I have piled on I will shrink and get 3x's skinnier in a matter of minutes. Weel, right now I have so much to do.......

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Bad Bad Weekend



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