< MaiKaMahi
Okay, sorry it took me so long to write in here and update again, but......

I WENT TO VEGAS AND I SURVIVED!!!!! I actually had a really good time. Danny was a total sweetheart and a gentleman the whole time. I think he was more scared of me than I was of him. :o) He took me around to see the sights, and we had fun gambling, of course! My favorite place while we were there was either Paris, or the MGM Grand because of the live lions! I would tell you more about Danny but I am afraid to reveal too much privelaged information. All I can say is i had a great time and I like Danny even more in person. :o)

As for moving to cali.....

Well, another date for departure has come and gone and now we are officially playing it by ear. Teri and her uncle JR want to drive out to AZ to get me and take me back with them. That would be the best case scenario for me since that way I could bring my computer and cat with me. Either way, I am totally psyched and even more scared to go, but I think, no I KNOW, I am ready to move far far away from my family!!!!

More later...........

Before & After

Coming up on Cali



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