< MaiKaMahi
Solo-Ops is down. I have no idea how or why because it was working when I went to bed at 1 AM this morning, so I am going to cross my fingers and hope it's just a server issue and not that the site was shut down or deleted.

Speaking of Solo-Ops, I have some news. A woman I know on there, Kathi, hooked Adam up with a job lead in Arizona teaching at the Schoolhouse at Fort Huachuca. She is former MI too, and immediately thought of us when she heard about the job and couldn't take it herself. At first Adam was wary about the job. He just started school and had his dad co-sign a student loan for him and he really likes his classes. I think he was afraid of making a bad choice. I urged him to at least TRY, and when he told his dad about it, without even knowing how much it pays, his dad urged him to do the same. He told Adam to go for the job, and if he got it to finish as much school as he can and then go to Arizona and work. Being an instructor at a military training school house would look AWESOME on his resume.

So, Adam got in contact with the contact for the job, and yesterday sent in his resume. Kathi says that Dan (the contact) is very excited about Adam and she is very optimistic about his chances of getting the job based on his resume and Dan's reaction to him. She also said we could negotiate relocation expenses for moving back down to AZ.

Of course I immediately wanted Adam to try for this because it's in Arizona and it would give us a chance to live on our own again. Not that I don't absolutely LOVE Gretta and the kids, because I do, and I owe Gretta so much for everything she has done for me. It's just my life is tiring and stressful and as much as I want to help Gretta out, I am 26 years old and need to have my OWN life without being dependant on her for it.

The best part of the job isn't any of that though. The best part is, it pays SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR!!! That's almost $5K a month! That's more money in one year than he has made our entire marriage.

So keep your fingers crossed for us, pray, meditate, whatever it is you do, in hopes that this will work out for us. I think Adam deserves it!

Before & After

Ruby, in technicolor.



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