< MaiKaMahi

Today is Adam's 24th birthday. He is almost a quarter of a century old. Haha. Of course we aren't doing anything special for his birthday because we are broke, but I am going to make him brownies. Yummy.

So I am sick. I have been totally congested and my throat has been all scratchy. I have been coughing like crazy, the kind of cough where it sounds like you are gonna vomit. Attractive, huh? I have also had a slightly upset stomach, which is just irritating. The best part is I sound like a man!! My voice is at the point where it's not gone, but it sounds nice and froggy. I have been like this for almost a week now, no one else is sick, so I have no idea what's causing it. I could be allergies, but if I was allergic to something, wouldn't it have happened when everything melted instead of a month AFTER everything melted?

Yesterday Hilary offered to pay for my gold membership on Diaryland if I made her and Melissa banners for their gold memberships. I had a blast making them even though my PSP decided to crap out on me at least 10 times.

This is the one I made for Melissa...

I made three for Hilary...

I am pretty darn proud of them! I worked on Melissa's for a few hours trying to get the animation right. Something kept screwing up and it would flash, but after starting over again three times I finally got it the way I wanted it. Hilary's were just fun. So, if anyone that reads my diary sees any of those banners up on Diaryland, click on them!

Well, I need to get the kids ready for church... Yay. *gag*

Before & After

New hair...
What's the deal?



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