< MaiKaMahi
We got a dog today!! I have been wanting a dog really badly for about a month now, and we saw a sign at the store about free puppies, so we jumped on it. I immediately feel in love with him cuz he has awesome markings. He is about 9 or 10 weeks old, he is a rotty mix, and he is flippin ADORABLE!!! We named him Kegogi (any soldiers that have been to Korea should recognize that name) which is Korean. It's pronounced Kay-Go-Gee. It means dog meat, and it's what they call a dish that is made out of dog meat that people eat there (yes, some Koreans still eat dog). Sounds bad huh? Haha. Well, Gretta named the neighbors four turkeys Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Midnight Snack, and when she gets a cow she is going to name it Beef, so we thought Kegogi would be an awesome name. Name animals what they would be if you ate them. Hahaha. Only Tessa escaped that name fate.

Anyway, here is my puppy!!

Before & After

Just for you Hil...
Damn server.



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