< MaiKaMahi
We went to Arizona this weekend to attend Adam's grandpa's funeral. He died on December 12th after battling bad health for a decade. The funeral was nice, just small and to the point. We had to leave Friday evening and drive all night to get there by Saturday afternoon for the funeral. The drive there was pretty uneventful, and the trip there was fun even if we only stayed for a day and a half. The drive home was HELL.

We went to the funeral on Saturday afternoon, then we went to dinner that evening, and everyone in the family came over that night. It was awesome because EVERYONE was getting along, and I know that Mary and Martin had a falling out with Gretta a while back. We all BS'ed over a game of cards and laughed our asses off most of the time. That's the kind of relationship I want to have with them. I know there are some major things we don't agree on, but it was nice to see that none of that mattered and we could all get along and even have a good time together in spite of it.

My sister, Tricia, came over on Saturday night, and I finally got to see my nephew Jayme. He is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! I took TONS of pictures and will post one after I have them all uploaded. I only got to see him for a few hours, and I miss him like crazy already. I REALLY miss Tricia, too. Ugh, I wish we lived closer.

Sunday morning we got up and went to visit with Adam's Grandma Alice for a while, and then we hit the road and headed home. Gretta drove the first half of the trip, and Adam drove the second. Gretta's leg was really boring and nothing happened, but when Adam got behind the wheel the weather decided to throw everything at us it could. First it was a snow storm where everyone was following each other on the freeway in Salt Lake with no regard to where the lanes where, just trying to stay on the freeway, then we ended up with fog and snow and rain and everything else imaginable. Anyone who knows me well knows that I get VERY nervous in cars, especially in bad weather. Well, I had a major three hour long anxiety attack. I cried and freaked out for a LONG time, and it felt AWFUL. I didn't stop until we got to Logan, and then I was still antsy on the way home. I never want to feel that way again. Ugh.

Before & After

Trina the fitness queen.



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