< MaiKaMahi
I ended up riding my bike for two hours total yesterday. An hour in the afternoon, and an hour before bedtime. It felt awesome. I have ridden it for an hour tonight (couldn't ride this afternoon cuz we were in Logan), too. I'm pretty proud of myself, and although it's only been two days since I started, I feel good about sticking with it this time. I think I am finally at my breaking point.

We got some bad news today though. Adam's Grandpa Alan is really sick. He has been in the hospital for a while, and today they took him off the life support so it's just a matter of time. I feel really bad for Adam because he has never had anyone this close to him die. I want to reassure him because I have been through it with my Gramps and Grams (who were more like my parents since they raised me) but nothing I say will make him feel better. I know that. Nothing anyone said to me made me feel better. I just want to make sure he knows that it does get better, he will be okay, and when his grandpa passes he will be in a better place where there is no pain.

Oh well, that's about all I have to talk about.

Before & After

Trina the fitness queen.



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