< MaiKaMahi
Well, now I have to go take another pregnancy test. This time at the OB clinic. Turns out that if I want to see the OB/GYN I have to get a referral from Family Practice, and to get a referral from Family practice I have to prove whether or not I am pregnant since I have missed two periods. So, Friday I am going in for a pregnancy test. I guess a negative HPT and me saying I don't think I am isn't enough. *sigh* So, although I have no symptoms and my HPT was negative, I will have to go through the whole anticipation and disappointment just to go in and ask if I can please get a referral to see what's wrong with me.

And I called the dentist today about getting my wisdom teeth on the right side removed since they have been bothering me, and it's going to cost $164 to get them both taken out. The bottom one is still anchored to my jaw so it's going to cost more than we have. UGH. Nothing ever seems to just be EASY! What a pain.

Now do you see why I avoid doctors? Run around... and around... and around...

Before & After

Return of the killer headache.
Drunken bastards



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