< MaiKaMahi
She kept meowing at something on the floor, so I went over to see what the fuss was, and she was chasing a little bug. I thought it was cute so I just let her have at it and went back to watch TV. Well, when I looked over a few minutes later and saw her picking the bug up in her mouth and dropping it over and over again, I went over and chased her away so that she wouldn't eat it. She has already puked this week, so the last thing I need is her puking again. So, anyway, I bend down to look at the bug and Tessa had mutilated it! Out of it's 6 little legs, it had one left normal, one broken and squished against it's body, and 4 little nubs flying around in the air! Tessa was eating that bugs legs one by one! Do I have a masochistic cat or what???

I put the poor bug out of it's misery, but now Tessa is sitting right in the last spot she was before I chased her off scouring the floor for the bug! She is inspecting every piece of lint to see if that is her missing bug. I guess she wasn't done torturing it!

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