< MaiKaMahi
I am going to Idaho!!! I am so excited! I get to see Gretta and the kids again! YAY!!! She decided to buy me a plane ticket since the closing of her house cost less than she thought it would, and she really wanted me there for her birthday. So, I get to go out there from May 8th until May 22nd, which is perfect cuz Adam gets home the 30th. It's even more perfect cuz those are the same days that Raelynn is flying to and from Pennsylvania, so I get to ride to and from the airport with her. Coincidence? I think not... lol. I planned it that way, same times for our flights and everything! I even found someone to come and check on the cats and check my mail for me. Everything is turning out so well! As long as I don't have to sit by some pukey person on the plane I will do just fine. LOL.

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