< MaiKaMahi

Today is my baby's birthday and he is gone! We did get our tax return check though, so I can go buy him a nice present. What I am going to buy him I don't know, but I'll think of SOMETHING. I think I will get him a wedding ring since his last one was too big and he lost it. Of course that isn't so much a present as just wanting him to have a ring.

Raelynn has been here all week, and I wish she could stay forever! It has been fun having her here, but I feel SO bad for Krysta! Poor girl is violently allergic to cats, and when she isn't so doped up she is sleeping she is coughing her little head off. She coughed so hard this morning that she puked. Raelynn and I went on a mad cat hair search mission after that, and vacuumed everything we could find, and Krysta seems to be handling being in here better. I wish I could just shave Gwyn and be done with it. LOL.

Tomorrow we are going to a BBQ at a friend's house, and then Raelynn leaves me. We went bowling tonight, and although my score sucked, I kicked ass compared to how I usually bowl. Pretty sad all around though. LOL. I suck at bowling, but at least it's fun.

Okay, I am outta here for the night.

Before & After

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