< MaiKaMahi
I hate insensitive people. A woman I know who has been an Army wife for 12 years thinks it's silly for all of the wives who are dealing with deployment for the first time to whine about it. I'm sorry, but if you just found out that your husband is going to be gone for 6 months to a year, or longer, and is going to a place where they could DIE, don't you think you would freak out a little? She may have dealt with this before, but that is no excuse to be so uncompassionate towards those who haven't. She of all people should know how it feels to let your husband go. GEEZUS. I am so irritated right now that I can't even express it. How many regular civilian wives that you know would deal with their husbands going to fight a war and possibly never coming back well. Just because we are military wives we should be fearless and look at it as no big deal? He is still my HUSBAND. Army or not. I still love him and don't want to live without him for 6 months or longer, and I certainly don't want him to die.

Then she says something like, we shouldn't wallow or feel sorry for ourselves because fire fighters and police men risk their lives every day. What in the holy hell does that have to do with the Army. Where does it say that because I am worried about my husband's safety, that I am any less grateful for what fire fighters and police do? If anything I am more grateful! And who says I am feeling sorry for myself? I knew what I was getting into when I married him. That doesn't mean that I can't worry about how I am going to handle it when it happens, or that I can't wish it wasn't happening.

Like I said, I really hate insensitive people.

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