< MaiKaMahi
I am home. Home sweet home. We went to an online friends house and spent the night last night, and it was fun. I am just glad to be home at last. I missed my bed.

Right before we left we thought Tessa got out. The back door was open and she was nowhere to be found. We looked for her for a half hour and then just left thinking she would come home. A friend of mine stayed at my house that night and when she came over she went outside to call for Tessa and see if she would come to her. All of a sudden she heard meowing from the inside of the house. Turns out Tessa had crawled into the middle cabinet of the coffee table and got stuck in there. Poor cat had been in there for HOURS. LOL. At least she didn't get out.

Anyway, I am tired and heading to bed. Night!!

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