< MaiKaMahi
Well, today was pretty uneventful. Went to an FRG meeting and found out that Adam will be in the field on the day we move into housing. Sucks, but I can do it by myself. I have my girls to help me.

Otherwise I just slept.

Tomorrow I will be up at 7 am to get ready to go help my friend Sheri. Her house caught fire over the weekend, and a bunch of the girls I know up here are going to go and help her clean up some junk. She called a company and asked about getting it all done professionally, but they want to charge her $20,000! It's not even that bad. Just one wall in her little kitchen and the smoke spread across the ceiling in the dining room leaving some black marks. We went and visited her today and looked at it, and I don't think it takes $20,000 to treat the walls and repaint them. It isn't like they are going to fix any of the structural damage. The Army will do that.

So anyway, since it is almost midnight and I have to be up at 7, I am heading to bed. Have a good night!

Before & After

No deployment!
Got soot?



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