< MaiKaMahi
I am so stoked right now! Yes, I know. It's 4:44 in the morning. I should be asleep right now. I am too excited to go to sleep. Anyone who knows Adam and I knows that we have been struggling with keeping the bank account balanced. He makes more than enough money to support us, and I don't even work, but for some reason we have this uncanny ability of spending the last of the money in the account, plus one dollar to assure we overdraw, the day before he gets paid. No matter how much math we do or how much we plan, it is inevitable. Well, not this month! Adam just got paid at midnight, and there is an extra $500 in his check! Plus, we get his tax return by next week! YAY! We already have enough to pay our bills, get groceries, and still have $200 left, PLUS $500 in the checking account. And this is the check with the big bills on it! Like I said, I am STOKED!

Before & After

A letter for anyone who doesn't appreciate military wives.
It's finally dead.



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