< MaiKaMahi
Can I just say that I HATE EverQuest? I wish that game was never invented, although if it hadn't been I am sure Adam would find something ele to play instead. He has been on it pretty constantly for the last two days, and the only reason I am on the computer now is because he is in the shower. Yesterday, Thanksgiving, was spent with me on the couch watching movies alone, escept for an hour and a half when he watched Scary Movie with me, and him on Everquest for over 6 hours. No Thanksgiving nothing. Last weekend he spent 15 hours on there one day, and all of his waking hours on it the other two days. He has leave from December 9th through the 20th, so he will be on the entire time then too. I have no idea how he doesn't get sick of it, but if I try to hint to him that I want to spend some time with him he ignores it. If I straight out tell him, then he sets an alarm on EverQuest so that he will get off (like 3 hours later) and then when the alarm goes off he just resets it and continues playing. If I get mad and yell at him for ignoring me, he just yells back and tells me it's HIS computer (whatever happened to what's mine is yours baby, I'll never know). If I get mad enough to leave he is probably in 7th heaven, and I wouldn't want that. Why should he be happy when I am miserable? Misery does love company, let me tell ya. If I could get into the game I would gladly sit with him while he is playing jsut so that it feels like we are spending time together, but I just can't even force myself to like it. It's boring to me. UGH! Anyway, EverQuest can just go to HELL.

Thanksgiving sucked, but we didn't plan anything anyway. I didn't feel like cooking a big meal just for the two of us, and I didn't want to go to someone else's house either. I would feel like an imposter since I am not that friendly in large groups of people. Adam's parents called to say Happy Thanksgiving, and his doctor called to tell him that his hip isn't fractured. (I'll explain about that in a minute.) My family didn't call at all. It's a little disappointing, but not at all surprising. I try to pretend I have a loving family, but when holidays come up and they don't even call me, the facade is over. I only hear from them when they want to brag about their lives (except for Tricia). Oh well, no biggie.

As for Adam's hip, he has been having trouble with it for about a week or so. It has been sore and stiff, so he went to the ER one day at work when he couldn't do his PT. They did a bone scan because the doctor was afraid it might be a stress fracture somewhere in his hip. Well, they sent him home with some muscle relaxers to take at night so that he didn't stiffen up while he was sleeping, and told him they would call him with the results. So yesterday morning at around 8am his doctor calls all chipper and perky and tells Adam that he has trochanteric bursitis (inflamation of the bursa in his left hip, which is a small sac of fluid that cushions the the area between the tendon and the bone) and there is no fracture and he will see him at his next appointment. So, now he will be put on anti-inflammatory medication I'm sure.

Well, Adam just got out of the shower and is yelling "TOWEL!" at the top of his lungs, so I better go. Maybe I will update again sometime this year, otherwise have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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