< MaiKaMahi
I am bored out of my mind today so I am just typing. Some things are going on in my life right now that I am very happy about, but I can't really write about them here. They have to do with Adam, but it is his thing, so it will stay his thing.

I haven't heard from Gretta lately, and I am starting to worry. Last I heard form her Marshall was in the hospital in Logan, and they hadn't even gotten his test results back. That was like a week ago. I think I am going to call her house today and see if she is at home.

We are still having car problems. One of our friends, Jeanette, has offered to let us use her suburban. The thing is a monster, but it's transpo. Adam got in trouble for being late to work on November 7th, and if it happens again he could get an article 15. That is the LAST thing we need. He would probably end up with demotion, a fine, and 45 days of extra duty. That means he would have to live in the barracks for 45 days and I would be here all alone. Depressing. Two weeks while I was in Idaho without him was bad enough, I don't think I would handle 45 days of him just over at Ft. Lewis in the barracks very well. Especially if it was for something as stupid as him being late to work again.

We got a call from housing, so we are trying to decide if we want to move on post. It would be easier because he would be closer to work, but we really like it where we are at. I have a new friend in the complex, and what kind of housing you get on post is really luck of the draw. We could get an awesome house, but at the same time, we could also get the crappiest house they have on post. With the ratio of crappy housing to nice housing, the odds aren't good. It really wouldn't save us any money since we use all of our BAH for rent and the phone and cable, and actually pay extra for internet, but if it is convenient it might be worth it, Especially with his problems getting to work lately.

Well, that is about all I have to bore you with. That's all folks...

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Tessa la Goop Goop
Tessa la Goop Goop



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