< MaiKaMahi
Okay, I changed the look of my diary and the guestbook. I was getting bored and made a diary for my friend Laughy and I loved the template I picked for her diary so much that I stuck it on mine. So, now we match until I get bored with this one too. :-P

Our new furniture comes today. I was up all night again because I couldn't sleep, and I still have two and a half hours before I can even call and find out what time they are scheduled to come. Then they can only give me a two hour window in which they should show up. So, I think the plan is to stay up until 9am (if I can), and then set the alarm for when ever they say is the earliest they will be here. I am hoping it is early enough that I can just stay up until they get here and go to sleep on my NEW BED after they are done setting it up, but with my luck it will be early afternoon, and RIGHT after I fall asleep.

I have an ear ache AGAIN. I am getting them all the time lately. I was beginning to think maybe I have some wax packed in there (I know, I know, TMI!), but I have been putting peroxide in my ears every day for weeks and they still hurt. I would go into the doctor and have them looked at, but SOMEONE hasn't set up my Tricare yet (sic him Gretta!). Hmmmm, wonder who that could be.....

Before & After

Mooned with love
Touchy, so don't touch.



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