< MaiKaMahi
What to say, what to say. This has been an excellent weekend so far. Adam and I seem to fall more and more in love every day. We just can't help it.

We are also finally getting our lives a little more normal. We finally got a bedroom set, and it is GORGEOUS. Dark wood with silver handles. It's a headboard, a dresser with a HUGE mirror on it, a nightstand, and a queen size mattress, boxspring, and frame. It will be delivered on Tuesday. YAY!

We are also getting a car. A 2001 Kia Rio. Green. Adam HAD to have green! I guess I will give in this one time *wink*. We are taking over payments from a friend of mine. The car is almost brand spankin new, and only has 30,000 miles on it and is still under warranty.

I also bought my plane tickets to Idaho yesterday. I get to go visit my best friend for two whole weeks! I am very excited to see all my family there, but especially Gretta. I miss her like crazy. Certain things in my life really make me appreciate the love of a REAL friend, and she is that. A REAL friend.

Well, I have to go get me some hair dye later today. I bleached out a few streaks in my hair and since I had dyed it red last, I got some red left in the streaks that I need to dye out. No biggie, but I hate going to the store with uneven hair to buy stuff to fix it. Call me vain, I don't care. I would just send Adam to get it, but I don't trust him to get the right color. He is such a guy sometimes.

My sister Tricia called me yesterday just to talk (She is such a good sister. I am one lucky girl. :)). We were talking about how her pregnancy is going so far, and she told me that she went to the drugstore a few days ago and bought a pregnancy test for shits and giggles and took it. It turned up negative! LOL. We KNOW she is over 2 months pregnant, and she got a negative result. Really makes me think about something that happened to me recently......

Before & After

Never again....
Mooned with love



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