< MaiKaMahi
Tomorrow Adam leaves to do some Army stuff in the middle of the forest for two weeks, away from civilization and computers, so I won't get to talk to him until he 4th of April. I am not happy about this at all. Of course, there isn't a damn thing I can do about it, and I know I will survive it just fine, it just sucks that I won't get to talk to him, even if I needed to, for so long. I am going to miss him, of course, but I am not worried about it too much. The fact that we don't live together makes the getting used to him being away alot easier. I know that even though I wish I could see him all the time now, later on when I do have to deal with him going away, I am going to be glad it started out like this. I will be more used to it than I would have been otherwise (if that made ANY sense whatsoever). I am a tough cookie, I will survive.

So anyway, I went to Salt Lake this weekend to have a slumber party with some online friends. It was a blast. The first night it was me, and my "other mother" Chen, and my two friends Pepsi, and Cerc. We had pizza and watched movies (both American Pie movies). Those movies are HILARIOUS. It was super great fun. Then the second night it was just me, Chen, and her son Bryan. We just sat around and watched movies, and I got to talk to Adam online for a while. I would go into more detail about the weekend, but I am in a hurry to get this entry written so I can go back to talking to Adam. So Ciao for now.......

Before & After

Slut??? You decide....
I HATE BEING SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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