< MaiKaMahi
I just had the best weekend of my life. I know I haven't updated in forever, but I was slightly busy. :o) I will write all about it. Today I got my Christmas present from Adam in the mail. He mailed it last week when he thought he wasn't going to be able to come and see me. Turns out he came and went before I got it. He bought me the entire series of Incarnations of Immortality from Piers Anthony. He knew I had read the first book and loved it, but that Gretta only had the first and second books out of the seven book series. I LOVE my present!!!

Adam came to Weston on the 18th, Friday. We picked him up from the airport and I was SO NERVOUS. He walked up and gave Gretta a hug. I was totally hiding behind her sitting on a chair. When they were done he just looked at me and leaned down and said "So this is the beautiful girl I have heard so much about." Then he gave me the best hug ever. He just kept holding on and it felt so good to be hugged. When we left the airport, he kept staring at me!!! It was very flattering and very nerve racking, too. I am not used to being the one that is stared at. Hehe. He took my hand and pulled me closer to him and in the van we finally had our first kiss. He was so tender with me. I wanted to cry. Of course we kissed alot of the way home, too. Gretta told Angela to tell her everytime we started kissing. Everytime he would lean in for a kiss, Angela would say "YUCK!" It was so cute!!! After about an hour of it, she started saying "Do it again." instead of yuck. Hehe. The only thing we did on Friday was go by his aunt and uncle's house and by his grandma's house so he could see them, then we went home and had dinner and watched a movie. Gretta made her famous red sock chili, and Adam got the sock this time. Hehe. I won't get into too many details or anything, but snuggling up under the blanket together was fun fun.

On Saturday we got up early and all packed up in the van and went to SLC. We met my friend Shasta, Gretta and Adam's cousin Kelsey, and another online friend Dave at Temple Square. We did the whole Temple Square and Conference Center tour thing, and then we all went to lunch at the mall across the street and had an absolute blast. Whenever you get Gretta, Shasta, Kelsey, and me together we seem to laugh so much that people walking by look at us like we are crazy. Adam, Marshall, Kalsey, and the kids had a great time in the arcade playing games, too. After we left Salt Lake we went back to Weston, dropped the kids off at home with Gretta's 10 year old cousin to babysit, and we went to dinner with all of the grown ups at the Scott and Sue's (Gretta and Adam's aunt and uncle) retaurant. It was nice to be out without the kids for once. I felt like a real part of a family for the first time in forever (besides Gretta and the kids of course, they always make me feel like a part of the family.), and got a glimpse of what being an in-law in their family will be like. It was really neat to see how much Adam's family loves and misses him, too. Again, he couldn't keep his eyes off me! Talk about flattering. After dinner we went back home and went to bed pretty soon after. Adam and I slept out in the living room all weekend, me on a mattress on the living room floor, and him on the couch next to me so that we could still be close but wouldn't be a bad example for the kids if they came out before we got up.

Sunday we went to church. First time in a long time that Adam had even set foot in a church. It was weird having him there, but a very good weird. I had a litle talk with his Grandma Ruby about him while we were sitting in sunday school, and she told me so many cute things about him. After church we went to Logan to go to a movie but decided to just go to dinner and shopping instead, so that we didn't have to fight any crowds just to get seats together in the theater. Gretta and I had a blast torturing the guys by making them look at kids clothes and shoes with us. Hehe. Grandma Ruby's birthday was on sunday too, so we went to Scott and Sue's house for birthday cake. Adam wore his work uniform, and let me tell you, he looked good. Even with the cheesy beret. ~Swoon~ His family liked seeing him in it. and made him salute and everything!! The boys over at the house thought he was so cool because he was a "real" Army guy. Those boys are constantly playing guns, so to have a real military guy in uniform in the house was neat to them. The best part of the party was when Grandma Ruby was blowing out her candles. They had put trick candles on the cake, so when she went to blow them out they, of course, lit back up. After trying for a few minutes to blow them out so her wish would come true, she looked over at me and said "I'm sorry Trina, I tried!!!" Soooooo cute!!! Her wish was that me and Adam would get married!! Hehe. Their whole family thinks we are the cutest couple. Very flattering since they are all obviously love him very much. Grandma Ruby keeps talking about how neat it would be to have me in the family. ~Blush~ That night Adam and I stayed up pretty late. We stayed up til like midnight with Gretta and MArshall watching movies and playing Monolopy, then after they went to bed me and Adam stayed up past 1 am, just the two of us. ~Wink wink~ Hehe. The alone time we spent together all weekend was so special to me and SOOOOOO FUN! :o)

Monday is the day Adam had to leave. We woke up kinda early and all got bundled up and went out to make a snowman and go sledding. Supergreatfun. Adam looked cute in my hat. Hehe. The drive to Salt Lake wasn't as long that day as it seemed all weekend, probably because it was going to take Adam back to the airport and I didn't want him to leave. We all went into the airport with him to check his bags, but since there is all of the extra security because of the whole terrorist thing and the Olympics, we had to say goodbye down by the baggage check and couldn't go to the gate with him. I had felt pretty calm and collected about it until I watched him disappear up the escalator. Then I got all choked up and started crying and had to try so hard to keep back the tears. A few even managed to escape and I NEVER cry. All weekend I was trying to convince myself that I didn't know if I really loved him or whatever, subconsciously trying to protect myself from being hurt again, but when I started crying watching him leave, I knew I did. He is such a wonderful guy, and was the perfect gentleman, and a TOTAL sweetheart all weekend. He is exactly what I want in a man. Loving, gentle, kind, honest, adorable, and he will be such a good father. The fact that he so obviously adores me also helps alot! ;o) I have never been in love before and I honestly don't know if I am IN love with him or not quite yet, but the way I feel about him is like nothing else, so if I am not IN LOVE now, I know I can be if given some more time. I know that I do love him though, and I want a future with him......

Before & After

No Sleep
I am a Toasty Slutty Bitch



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